Code copied successfuly


Version: vbeta

Specification Release Notes Other versions

The TTS API enables you to send voice messages to your customers using variety of text to speech engines.

The service is currently on closed beta. If you are interested in using it, don't hesitate to contact us at

Base URLs

Text to speech

tyntec’s TTS service is governed by two operations that allow you:

  • to send an TTS and
  • to query the status of a previously sent TTS


tyntec stores status details for up to 3 months after the final delivery state is known.

Initiate a Text to speech call

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'apikey: API_KEY'

Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
apikey: API_KEY

const inputBody = '{
  "from": "49123456789",
  "to": "1987654321",
  "message": "This is an example - the data is garbage.",
  "language": "ar_eg",
  "initialDelay": 0,
  "eventsUrl": "string"
const headers = {


  method: 'POST',
  body: inputBody,
  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'apikey' => 'API_KEY'

result = '',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'apikey': 'API_KEY'

r ='', params={

}, headers = headers)



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$headers = array(
    'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
    'Accept' => 'application/json',
    'apikey' => 'API_KEY',


$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

// Define array of request body.
$request_body = array();

try {
    $response = $client->request('POST','', array(
        'headers' => $headers,
        'json' => $request_body,
 catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException $e) {
    // handle exception or api errors.

 // ...

URL obj = new URL("");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
con.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
con.setRequestProperty("apikey", "API_KEY");

int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Content-Type": []string{"application/json"},
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "apikey": []string{"API_KEY"},


    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", "", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

POST /tts/v1/calls

Sends an TTS via the POST HTTP method with parameters defined in the request body.

Body parameter

  "from": "49123456789",
  "to": "1987654321",
  "message": "This is an example - the data is garbage.",
  "language": "ar_eg",
  "initialDelay": 0,
  "eventsUrl": "string"


Name In Type Required Description
body body TextToSpeechRequest true TTS message you would like to send

Example responses

200 Response

  "callId": "e74db8d4-77ad-4671-8feb-9bc76b0df188",
  "status": "starting",
  "from": "49123456789",
  "to": "1987654321"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK The callId of your request TextToSpeechResponse
400 Bad Request Invalid request Problem
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Problem
403 Forbidden Forbidden Problem
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong. :-( Problem

Text to speech status events

Code samples

# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{callId}/events \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'apikey: API_KEY'

GET{callId}/events HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
apikey: API_KEY

const headers = {


  method: 'GET',

  headers: headers
.then(function(res) {
    return res.json();
}).then(function(body) {

require 'rest-client'
require 'json'

headers = {
  'Accept' => 'application/json',
  'apikey' => 'API_KEY'

result = RestClient.get '{callId}/events',
  params: {
  }, headers: headers

p JSON.parse(result)

import requests
headers = {
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'apikey': 'API_KEY'

r = requests.get('{callId}/events', params={

}, headers = headers)



require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$headers = array(
    'Accept' => 'application/json',
    'apikey' => 'API_KEY',


$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

// Define array of request body.
$request_body = array();

try {
    $response = $client->request('GET','{callId}/events', array(
        'headers' => $headers,
        'json' => $request_body,
 catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\BadResponseException $e) {
    // handle exception or api errors.

 // ...

URL obj = new URL("{callId}/events");
HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection) obj.openConnection();
con.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json");
con.setRequestProperty("apikey", "API_KEY");

int responseCode = con.getResponseCode();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
    new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream()));
String inputLine;
StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer();
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) {

package main

import (

func main() {

    headers := map[string][]string{
        "Accept": []string{"application/json"},
        "apikey": []string{"API_KEY"},


    data := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte{jsonReq})
    req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "{callId}/events", data)
    req.Header = headers

    client := &http.Client{}
    resp, err := client.Do(req)
    // ...

GET /tts/v1/calls/{callId}/events

Returns the events recorded for this call ID.


The TTS Message Status is available for 3 months after a final delivery state is reached.


Name In Type Required Description
callId path string true The unique identifier provided for each request. (UUID format)

Example responses

200 Response

    "callId": "e74db8d4-77ad-4671-8feb-9bc76b0df188",
    "direction": "outbound",
    "from": "49123456789",
    "to": "1987654321",
    "startTime": "2018-06-01T00:00:00+0200",
    "answerTime": "2018-06-01T00:00:00+0200",
    "endTime": "2018-06-01T00:00:00+0200",
    "duration": "10",
    "country": "DE",
    "rate": "0.0728",
    "price": "0.0001",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "network": "Germany-ACME mobile",
    "status": "started"


Status Meaning Description Schema
200 OK OK Inline
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized Problem
403 Forbidden Forbidden Problem
404 Not Found Not Found Problem
500 Internal Server Error Something went wrong. :-( Problem
Response Schema

Status Code 200

Name Type Required Restrictions Description
anonymous [TextToSpeechEvent] false none [This is the event object containing informations regarding the call.]
» callId string(uuid) false none Company's postal address
» direction string false none The direction of the call
» from string false none Phone number of the calling party in the international format E.164
» to string false none Phone number of the callee party in the international format E.164
» startTime string(date-time) false none The timestamp when the call started.
» answerTime string(date-time) false none The timestamp when the call was answered.
» endTime string(date-time) false none The timestamp when the call completed.
» duration string false none The duration in seconds of the call.
» country string false none The alpha 2 code of the destionation country.
» rate string false none The rate charge per minute for this country.
» price string false none The price charged for this call.
» currency string false none The currency used for this charge.
» network string false none The name of the network for the destination call.
» status string false none The status reported for this event.
Enumerated values
Property Value
direction outbound
direction inbound
status started
status early
status hangup
status ringing
status completed



  "from": "49123456789",
  "to": "1987654321",
  "message": "This is an example - the data is garbage.",
  "language": "ar_eg",
  "initialDelay": 0,
  "eventsUrl": "string"

Contract Array Response schema


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
from string true none Phone number of the calling party in the international format E.164
to string true none Phone number of the callee party in the international format E.164
message string true none The message you want to send via TTS call
language string true none language
initialDelay integer(int32) false none The initial pause before the TTS is announced through the call.
eventsUrl string false none Your URL for delivering the events for this call; leave empty for no events push.
Enumerated values
Property Value
language ar_eg
language ar_sa
language bg_bg
language ca_es
language zh_cn
language zh_hk
language zh_tw
language hr_hr
language cs_cz
language da_dk
language nl_be
language nl_nl
language en_au
language en_ca
language en_gb
language en_in
language en_ie
language en_us
language fi_fi
language fr_ca
language fr_fr
language fr_ch
language de_at
language de_de
language de_ch
language el_gr
language he_il
language hi_in
language hu_hu
language id_id
language it_it
language ja_jp
language ko_kr
language ms_my
language nb_no
language pl_pl
language pt_pt
language ro_ro
language ru_ru
language sk_sk
language sl_si
language es_mx
language es_es
language sv_se
language ta_in
language th_th
language tr_tr
language vi_vn


  "callId": "e74db8d4-77ad-4671-8feb-9bc76b0df188",
  "status": "starting",
  "from": "49123456789",
  "to": "1987654321"

Contract Entity schema


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
callId string(uuid) false none Company's postal address
status string false none Status of the call
from string false none Phone number of the calling party in the international format E.164
to string false none Phone number of the callee party in the international format E.164
Enumerated values
Property Value
status starting


  "callId": "e74db8d4-77ad-4671-8feb-9bc76b0df188",
  "direction": "outbound",
  "from": "49123456789",
  "to": "1987654321",
  "startTime": "2018-06-01T00:00:00+0200",
  "answerTime": "2018-06-01T00:00:00+0200",
  "endTime": "2018-06-01T00:00:00+0200",
  "duration": "10",
  "country": "DE",
  "rate": "0.0728",
  "price": "0.0001",
  "currency": "EUR",
  "network": "Germany-ACME mobile",
  "status": "started"

This is the event object containing informations regarding the call.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
callId string(uuid) false none Company's postal address
direction string false none The direction of the call
from string false none Phone number of the calling party in the international format E.164
to string false none Phone number of the callee party in the international format E.164
startTime string(date-time) false none The timestamp when the call started.
answerTime string(date-time) false none The timestamp when the call was answered.
endTime string(date-time) false none The timestamp when the call completed.
duration string false none The duration in seconds of the call.
country string false none The alpha 2 code of the destionation country.
rate string false none The rate charge per minute for this country.
price string false none The price charged for this call.
currency string false none The currency used for this charge.
network string false none The name of the network for the destination call.
status string false none The status reported for this event.
Enumerated values
Property Value
direction outbound
direction inbound
status started
status early
status hangup
status ringing
status completed


  "type": "",
  "title": "The given data were not parsable.",
  "status": 400,
  "detail": "Unexpected end-of-input: expected close marker for Object (start marker at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: -1, column: -1) at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: 1, column: 97]\n"

The problem object follows RFC-7807.


Name Type Required Restrictions Description
type string true none The URI reference [RFC3986] that identifies the problem type
title string true none Short, human-readable summary of the problem type
status string true none The HTTP status code (RFC7231, Section 6) generated by the origin server for this occurrence of the problem
detail string true none Human-readable explanation specific to this problem occurrence