Version: v4
Specification Release Notes Other versions
Introducing our OTP Management Endpoint, a dynamic gateway for users to seamlessly dispatch OTP (One-Time Password) messages to end users. This intuitive interface allows users to select a specific profile and priority, ensuring optimal delivery of time-sensitive codes. By leveraging this endpoint, users can efficiently trigger OTP messages, harmonizing profile personalization and priority-based distribution for an enhanced and secure user experience.
Base URLs
OTP Management API
Version: v4
Base URLs
OTP Management
The OTP Management Endpoint provides versatile functionality to efficiently manage the message dispatch, verification, and generation of One-Time Password (OTP) for end users. This endpoint enables users to send OTP messages with specific profiles and priorities, enhancing the user experience while maintaining flexibility. It ensures efficient and secure delivery of time-sensitive codes, verify provided OTP codes, and generate new OTP codes if not provided.
List OTP Codes
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/otp
Lists All OTP Codes
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
to | query | string | false | Number of the OTP receiver to be searched for |
otpStatus | query | string | false | Status of the OTP to be searched for |
Enumerated values
Parameter | Value |
otpStatus | VERIFIED |
Example responses
200 Response
"allowedAttempts": 0,
"attemptCount": 0,
"otpCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"otpExpire": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"otpId": "0034ac53-7e64-4537-955d-75054d8aaf44",
"otpStatus": "ACTIVE",
"to": "string"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | [OTPGetResponse] | false | none | none |
» allowedAttempts | integer(int32) | false | none | none |
» attemptCount | integer(int32) | false | none | none |
» otpCreated | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
» otpExpire | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
» otpId | string(uuid) | false | none | none |
» otpStatus | string | false | none | none |
» to | string | false | none | none |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
otpStatus | ACTIVE |
otpStatus | VERIFIED |
otpStatus | EXPIRED |
otpStatus | WRONG_CODE |
Send OTP
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/otp
Sends OTP to Number
Body parameter
"caller": "Tyntec GmbH",
"languageCode": "en_US",
"otpCode": "1abc3r",
"priorityName": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber",
"profileName": "tyntec_profile_register",
"sender": "Tyntec GmbH",
"senderViber": "12345",
"senderWA": "000000000000",
"to": "+0000000000000"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | NewOTPRequest | true | OTP Request to be sent |
Example responses
202 Response
"id": "c3dec0cd-6305-4d74-8d0d-629f9a43de85"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
202 | Accepted | Accepted | CreatedOTPResponse |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | InternalServerErrorSchema |
Delete OTP Status
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{otp-id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
DELETE /2fa/v4/otp/{otp-id}
Deletes the OTP Status by specified ID
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
otp-id | path | string | true | Id of OTP in UUID format |
Example responses
500 Response
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | InternalServerErrorSchema |
Read OTP Status
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{otp-id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/otp/{otp-id}
Returns details of a OTP Status by specified ID.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
otp-id | path | string | true | Id of OTP in UUID format |
Example responses
200 Response
"allowedAttempts": 0,
"attemptCount": 0,
"otpCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"otpExpire": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"otpId": "0034ac53-7e64-4537-955d-75054d8aaf44",
"otpStatus": "ACTIVE",
"to": "string"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | OTPGetResponse |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | InternalServerErrorSchema |
Validate OTP Code
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{otp-id}/validate \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/otp/{otp-id}/validate
Validates OTP Code.
Body parameter
"otpCode": "1frtq45"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
otp-id | path | string | true | Id of OTP in UUID format |
body | body | ValidateOTPRequest | true | none |
Example responses
200 Response
"otpStatus": "VERIFIED"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | ValidateOTPResponse |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | InternalServerErrorSchema |
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "field_name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Constraint Violation
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Invalid request body parameters |
violations | [ViolationResponseSchema] | false | none | List of violations |
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "field_name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Constraint Violation
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Invalid request body parameters |
violations | [ViolationResponseSchema] | false | none | List of violations |
"id": "c3dec0cd-6305-4d74-8d0d-629f9a43de85"
OTP Response
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | Id of OTP |
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"templateName": "otp_template_test",
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Internal Server Error
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
accountId | string | false | none | Customers WhatsApp account id, if applicable |
detail | string | false | none | Description of an error |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
templateName | string | false | none | The template Name, if applicable |
title | string | false | none | The server encountered an unexpected condition |
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Internal Server Error
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Description of an error |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | The server encountered an unexpected condition |
"caller": "Tyntec GmbH",
"languageCode": "en_US",
"otpCode": "1abc3r",
"priorityName": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber",
"profileName": "tyntec_profile_register",
"sender": "Tyntec GmbH",
"senderViber": "12345",
"senderWA": "000000000000",
"to": "+0000000000000"
New OTP Request
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
caller | string | false | none | VOICE caller of this request. |
languageCode | string | false | none | The Language Code to be used in this request |
otpCode | string | false | none | The OTP code to be used in this request, it accepts only lowercase letters |
priorityName | string | false | none | Name of the Priority |
profileName | string | false | none | Name of the Profile |
sender | string | false | none | SMS sender of this request. |
senderViber | string | false | none | Viber service ID from which the request will be sent. |
senderWA | string | false | none | Whatsapp phone number from which the request will be sent. |
to | string | false | none | Number of the message receiver |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
languageCode | ar |
languageCode | bg |
languageCode | ca |
languageCode | zh_CN |
languageCode | zh_HK |
languageCode | zh_TW |
languageCode | hr |
languageCode | cs |
languageCode | da |
languageCode | nl |
languageCode | en |
languageCode | en_GB |
languageCode | en_US |
languageCode | fi |
languageCode | fr |
languageCode | de |
languageCode | el |
languageCode | he |
languageCode | hu |
languageCode | id |
languageCode | it |
languageCode | ja |
languageCode | ko |
languageCode | ms |
languageCode | nb |
languageCode | pl |
languageCode | pt_BR |
languageCode | pt_PT |
languageCode | ro |
languageCode | ru |
languageCode | sk |
languageCode | sl |
languageCode | es |
languageCode | es_ES |
languageCode | es_MX |
languageCode | sv |
languageCode | ta |
languageCode | te |
languageCode | th |
languageCode | tr |
languageCode | vi |
"detail": "Resource with ID 6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11 not found",
"resourceId": "6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11",
"status": 404,
"title": "No Resource Found"
Not Found
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Explanation message |
resourceId | string | false | none | ID of the Resource |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Not Found Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Resource not found on the server |
"allowedAttempts": 0,
"attemptCount": 0,
"otpCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"otpExpire": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"otpId": "0034ac53-7e64-4537-955d-75054d8aaf44",
"otpStatus": "ACTIVE",
"to": "string"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
allowedAttempts | integer(int32) | false | none | none |
attemptCount | integer(int32) | false | none | none |
otpCreated | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
otpExpire | string(date-time) | false | none | none |
otpId | string(uuid) | false | none | none |
otpStatus | string | false | none | none |
to | string | false | none | none |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
otpStatus | ACTIVE |
otpStatus | VERIFIED |
otpStatus | EXPIRED |
otpStatus | WRONG_CODE |
"otpCode": "1frtq45"
Validate OTP
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
otpCode | string | false | none | OTP Code to be validated |
"otpStatus": "VERIFIED"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
otpStatus | string | false | none | OTP Status of the validation |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
otpStatus | VERIFIED |
otpStatus | EXPIRED |
otpStatus | WRONG_CODE |
"field": "field_name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
field | string | false | none | The field which is violated |
message | string | false | none | Indicates the constraint violation |
Configuration Management API
Version: v4
Base URLs
Callback Configuration Management
The Callback Configuration API allows users to register callback configurations for receiving message delivery status updates. Users can specify a callback URL where delivery status notifications will be sent. Additionally, users can include custom headers in the callback request for authentication or other purposes.
List Callback Configurations
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/configurations/callbacks
Lists all Callback Configurations.
Example responses
200 Response
"headers": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"id": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"profileId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"url": ""
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | [CallbackConfigurationDTO] | false | none | none |
» headers | object | false | none | Callback Request Headers |
»» Headers | string | false | none | Callback Request Headers |
» id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Callback |
» profileId | string(uuid) | false | none | Id of the profile for which the callbacks will be filtered |
» url | string | false | none | Callback URL |
Create Callback Configuration
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/configurations/callbacks
Sends OTP events to the callback URL registered.
For details on error handling, you can refer to the following documentation pages:
Body parameter
"headers": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"profileId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"url": ""
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | NewCallbackConfigurationDTO | true | none |
Example responses
201 Response
"id": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
201 | Created | Created | CallbackConfigurationResponse |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Delete Callback Configuration
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
DELETE /2fa/v4/configurations/callbacks/{id}
Deletes the Callback Configuration by specified ID
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | none |
Example responses
400 Response
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Patch Callback Configuration
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
PATCH /2fa/v4/configurations/callbacks/{id}
Patches the Callback Configuration by specified ID
Body parameter
"headers": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"profileId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"url": ""
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | none |
body | body | PatchCallbackConfigurationDTO | true | none |
Example responses
200 Response
"headers": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"id": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"profileId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"url": ""
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | CallbackConfigurationDTO |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
WhatsApp Configuration Management
The WhatsApp Configuration Endpoint provides a centralized method to set up and manage your WhatsApp integration by defining the WhatsApp Account ID. This endpoint enables users to configure the essential WhatsApp Account ID, which will be used for all subsequent requests towards the WhatsApp.
Read WhatsApp Configuration
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/configurations/channels/whatsapp
Returns details of a WhatsApp Configuration.
Example responses
200 Response
"whatsAppAccountId": "289a1c20-06c5-4964-b32d-24d214a78ae5"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | WhatsAppConfigResponse |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Create WhatsApp Configuration
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/configurations/channels/whatsapp
Creates a new WhatsApp Configuration.
Body parameter
"whatsAppAccountId": "289a1c20-06c5-4964-b32d-24d214a78ae5"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | NewWhatsAppConfigRequest | true | none |
Example responses
400 Response
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
201 | Created | Created | None |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
409 | Conflict | Constraint violation | ConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
"headers": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"id": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"profileId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"url": ""
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
headers | object | false | none | Callback Request Headers |
» Headers | string | false | none | Callback Request Headers |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Callback |
profileId | string(uuid) | false | none | Id of the profile for which the callbacks will be filtered |
url | string | false | none | Callback URL |
"id": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Callback |
"detail": "Callback configuration already exists.",
"status": 409,
"title": "Conflict"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Description of conflict |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Http Status text |
"detail": "WhatsApp configuration already exist.",
"status": 409,
"title": "Conflict"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Description of conflict |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Http Status text |
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Constraint Violation
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Invalid request body parameters |
violations | [ViolationResponseSchema] | false | none | List of violations |
"code": "tyntec::internal::500",
"message": "Internal Server Error"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
code | string | false | none | Error code |
message | string | false | none | Error message |
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Internal Server Error
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Description of an error |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | The server encountered an unexpected condition |
"headers": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"profileId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"url": ""
New Callback Configuration
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
headers | object | false | none | Callback Request Headers |
» Headers | string | false | none | Callback Request Headers |
profileId | string | false | none | Id of the profile for which the callbacks will be filtered |
url | string | true | none | Callback URL |
"whatsAppAccountId": "289a1c20-06c5-4964-b32d-24d214a78ae5"
New WhatsApp Configuration
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
whatsAppAccountId | string | true | none | Id of WhatsApp Account |
"detail": "Resource with ID 6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11 not found",
"resourceId": "6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11",
"status": 404,
"title": "No Resource Found"
Not Found
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Explanation message |
resourceId | string | false | none | ID of the Resource |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Not Found Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Resource not found on the server |
"headers": {
"property1": "string",
"property2": "string"
"profileId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"url": ""
Patch Callback Configuration
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
headers | object | false | none | Callback Request Headers |
» Headers | string | false | none | Callback Request Headers |
profileId | string | false | none | Id of the profile for which the callbacks will be filtered |
url | string | true | none | Callback URL |
"field": "name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
field | string | false | none | The field which is violated |
message | string | false | none | Indicates the constraint violation |
"channel": "SMS",
"otpId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"status": "DISPATCHED",
"timestamp": "2023-11-15T03:00:00Z"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | Channel of Delivery |
otpId | string(uuid) | false | none | Unique identifier of the OTP |
status | string | false | none | Status of the OTP Delivery |
timestamp | string(date-time) | false | none | Timestamp of the OTP event |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | VIBER |
channel | |
status | DISPATCHED |
status | TIMED_OUT |
status | DELIVERED |
"channel": "SMS",
"error": {
"code": "tyntec::internal::500",
"message": "Internal Server Error"
"otpId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"status": "UNDELIVERABLE",
"timestamp": "2023-11-15T03:00:00Z"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | none |
error | Error | false | none | none |
otpId | string(uuid) | false | none | Unique identifier of the OTP |
status | string | false | none | status of the OTP Delivery |
timestamp | string(date-time) | false | none | Timestamp of the OTP event |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | VIBER |
channel | |
status | DISPATCHED |
status | TIMED_OUT |
status | DELIVERED |
"whatsAppAccountId": "289a1c20-06c5-4964-b32d-24d214a78ae5"
WhatsApp Configuration
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
whatsAppAccountId | string(uuid) | false | none | Id of WhatsApp Account |
Priority Management API
Version: v4
Base URLs
Priority Management
Priority grants the authority to strategically optimize communication methods, ensuring messages reach recipients through their preferred channels in a manner that resonates most effectively.
List Priorities
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/priorities
Lists all Priorities.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
name | query | string | false | Name of the Priority to be searched for |
Example responses
200 Response
"channelPriority": [
"channel": "SMS",
"priority": 1
"channel": "VIBER",
"priority": 2
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"name": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | [PriorityDTO] | false | none | [OTP priority configuration] |
» Priority | PriorityDTO | false | none | OTP priority configuration |
»» channelPriority | [ChannelPriorityDTO] | false | none | [Channel priority configuration] |
»»» Channel Priority | ChannelPriorityDTO | false | none | Channel priority configuration |
»»»» channel | string | false | none | Name of the Channel |
»»»» priority | integer(int32) | false | none | Priority given integer |
»» id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Priority in UUID format |
»» name | string | false | none | Name of the Priority |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
Create Priority
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/priorities
Creates a new Priority.
Body parameter
"channelPriority": [
"channel": "SMS",
"priority": 1
"channel": "VIBER",
"priority": 2
"name": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | NewPriorityDTO | true | Priority Object that needs to be created |
Example responses
201 Response
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
201 | Created | Created | CreatedPriorityDTO |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
409 | Conflict | Conflict | ConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Delete Priority
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
DELETE /2fa/v4/priorities/{id}
Deletes the Priority by specified ID
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Priority in UUID format |
Example responses
500 Response
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Read Priority
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/priorities/{id}
Returns details of a Priority by specified ID.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Priority in UUID format |
Example responses
200 Response
"channelPriority": [
"channel": "SMS",
"priority": 1
"channel": "VIBER",
"priority": 2
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"name": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | PriorityDTO |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Patch Priority
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
PATCH /2fa/v4/priorities/{id}
Patches the Priority
Body parameter
"channelPriority": [
"channel": "SMS",
"priority": 1
"channel": "VIBER",
"priority": 2
"name": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Priority in UUID format |
body | body | PatchPriorityDTO | true | none |
Example responses
400 Response
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundSchema |
409 | Conflict | Constraint violation | ConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
"channel": "SMS",
"priority": 1
"channel": "VIBER",
"priority": 2
Channel Priority
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | Name of the Channel |
priority | integer(int32) | false | none | Priority given integer |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
"detail": "Priority with name tyntec_priority_sms-viber already exists. Priority name must be unique.",
"priorityName": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber",
"status": 409,
"title": "Conflict"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Description of conflict |
priorityName | string | false | none | The Priority Name |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Http Status text |
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Constraint Violation
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Invalid request body parameters |
violations | [ViolationResponseSchema] | false | none | List of violations |
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Created Priority
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Priority in UUID format |
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Internal Server Error
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Description of an error |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | The server encountered an unexpected condition |
"channel": "SMS",
"priority": 1
"channel": "VIBER",
"priority": 2
New Channel Entry
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | Name of the Channel |
priority | integer(int32) | false | none | Priority given integer |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | VIBER |
channel |
"channelPriority": [
"channel": "SMS",
"priority": 1
"channel": "VIBER",
"priority": 2
"name": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber"
New Priority
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channelPriority | [NewChannelPriorityDTO] | true | none | List of Channels |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Priority |
"detail": "Resource with ID 6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11 not found",
"resourceId": "6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11",
"status": 404,
"title": "No Resource Found"
Not Found
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Explanation message |
resourceId | string | false | none | ID of the Resource |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Not Found Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Resource not found on the server |
"channelPriority": [
"channel": "SMS",
"priority": 1
"channel": "VIBER",
"priority": 2
"name": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber"
Patch Priority
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channelPriority | [NewChannelPriorityDTO] | false | none | [List of Channels] |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Priority |
"channelPriority": [
"channel": "SMS",
"priority": 1
"channel": "VIBER",
"priority": 2
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"name": "tyntec_priority_sms-viber"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channelPriority | [ChannelPriorityDTO] | false | none | [Channel priority configuration] |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Priority in UUID format |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Priority |
"field": "name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
field | string | false | none | The field which is violated |
message | string | false | none | Indicates the constraint violation |
Profile Management API
Version: v4
Base URLs
Profile Management
Profiles empowers users to assemble a collection of diverse templates, tailored for various languages and channels, all orchestrated for a specific use case.
List Profiles
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/profiles
Lists all Profiles.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
name | query | string | false | Name of the Profile to be searched for |
Example responses
200 Response
"alphanumeric": true,
"attempts": 3,
"channels": [
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
"type": "SMS"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"name": "tyntec_profile_register",
"otpCodeLength": 8
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | [ProfileDTO] | false | none | [OTP Profile configuration] |
» Profile | ProfileDTO | false | none | OTP Profile configuration |
»» alphanumeric | boolean | false | none | Type of autogenerated OTP Code |
»» attempts | integer(int32) | false | none | Customer can define how many times an OTP is allowed to be tried. If the number of the allowed attempts is reached, the OTP code will be invalidated |
»» channels | [ChannelEntryDTO] | false | none | Channel configuration for OTP Profile |
»»» Channel Entry | ChannelEntryDTO | false | none | Channel configuration for OTP Profile |
»»»» templates | [TemplateChannel] | false | none | [Template to be used for a channel] |
»»»»» languageCode | string | false | none | Language Code of the Template |
»»»»» name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
»»»» type | string | false | none | Channel to be used in the Template |
»» id | string(uuid) | false | none | OTP Profile ID in UUID format |
»» name | string | false | none | Name of the Profile |
»» otpCodeLength | integer(int32) | false | none | Number of OTP code characters. |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
type | SMS |
type | VOICE |
type | |
type | VIBER |
Create Profile
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/profiles
Creates a new Profile.
Body parameter
"alphanumeric": "true",
"attempts": 3,
"channels": [
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_register_sms_en_us"
"languageCode": "es",
"name": "tyntec_register_sms_es"
"type": "SMS"
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_register_viber_en_us"
"type": "VIBER"
"name": "tyntec_profile_register",
"otpCodeLength": 8
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | NewProfileDTO | true | Profile Object that needs to be created |
Example responses
201 Response
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
201 | Created | Created | CreatedProfileDTO |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
403 | Forbidden | Missing Configuration | ConfigurationNotFound |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Delete Profile
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
DELETE /2fa/v4/profiles/{id}
Deletes the Profile by specified ID
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Profile in UUID format |
Example responses
500 Response
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"templateName": "otp_template_test",
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Read Profile
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/profiles/{id}
Returns details of a Profile by specified ID.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Profile in UUID format |
Example responses
200 Response
"alphanumeric": true,
"attempts": 3,
"channels": [
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
"type": "SMS"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"name": "tyntec_profile_register",
"otpCodeLength": 8
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | ProfileDTO |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Patch Profile
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
PATCH /2fa/v4/profiles/{id}
Patches the Profile
Body parameter
"alphanumeric": "true",
"attempts": 3,
"channels": [
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_register_es"
"type": "SMS"
"name": "tyntec_profile_register",
"otpCodeLength": 8
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Profile in UUID format |
body | body | PatchProfileDTO | true | none |
Example responses
404 Response
"detail": "Resource with ID 6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11 not found",
"resourceId": "6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11",
"status": 404,
"title": "No Resource Found"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Add Template to Profile
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST{profile-id}/templates \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/profiles/{profile-id}/templates
Adds Template to Profile.
Body parameter
"channels": [
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
"type": "SMS"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
profile-id | path | string | true | ID of the Profile in UUID format |
body | body | AddTemplateBodyDTO | true | Channels List Object |
Example responses
400 Response
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "field_name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
201 | Created | Created | None |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundSchema |
409 | Conflict | Conflict | ProfileConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Remove Template from Profile
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{profile-id}/templates/{template-name} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
DELETE /2fa/v4/profiles/{profile-id}/templates/{template-name}
Removes Template from Profile.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
profile-id | path | string | true | ID of the Profile in UUID format |
template-name | path | string | true | Name of the Template |
Example responses
400 Response
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "field_name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
"channels": [
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
"type": "SMS"
Add Template Body
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channels | [AddTemplateChannelEntryDTO] | true | none | none |
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
List of Templates
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
languageCode | string | false | none | Language Code of the Template to be added |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template to be added |
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
"type": "SMS"
Template Channel Entry
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
templates | [AddTemplateChannelDTO] | true | none | none |
type | string | false | none | Channel object will link the type of the channel with the templates to be used in this channel. |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
type | SMS |
type | VOICE |
type | VIBER |
type |
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
"type": "SMS"
Channel Entry
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
templates | [TemplateChannel] | false | none | [Template to be used for a channel] |
type | string | false | none | Channel to be used in the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
type | SMS |
type | VOICE |
type | |
type | VIBER |
"detail": "Account is not allowed to use WhatsApp functionality",
"status": 403,
"title": "Missing WhatsApp Configuration"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Description |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | none |
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "field_name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Constraint Violation
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Invalid request body parameters |
violations | [ViolationResponseSchema] | false | none | List of violations |
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Created Profile
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Profile in UUID format |
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"templateName": "otp_template_test",
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Internal Server Error
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
accountId | string | false | none | Customers WhatsApp account id, if applicable |
detail | string | false | none | Description of an error |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
templateName | string | false | none | The template Name, if applicable |
title | string | false | none | The server encountered an unexpected condition |
"type": "SMS",
"templates": [
"name": "tyntec_register_sms_en_us",
"languageCode": "en_US"
"name": "tyntec_register_sms_es",
"languageCode": "es"
"type": "VIBER",
"templates": [
"name": "tyntec_register_viber_en_us",
"languageCode": "en_US"
Channel Entry
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
templates | [NewTemplateChannel] | true | none | Templates to be linked with this profile |
type | string | false | none | Channel object will link the type of the channel with the templates to be used in this channel. |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
type | SMS |
type | VOICE |
type | VIBER |
type |
"alphanumeric": "true",
"attempts": 3,
"channels": [
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_register_sms_en_us"
"languageCode": "es",
"name": "tyntec_register_sms_es"
"type": "SMS"
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_register_viber_en_us"
"type": "VIBER"
"name": "tyntec_profile_register",
"otpCodeLength": 8
New Profile
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
alphanumeric | string | false | none | Type of autogenerated OTP Code |
attempts | integer(int32) | false | none | Customer can define how many times an OTP is allowed to be tried. If the number of the allowed attempts is reached, the OTP code will be invalidated |
channels | [NewChannelEntryDTO] | true | none | List of Channels to be linked with profile |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Profile |
otpCodeLength | integer(int32) | false | none | Number of OTP code characters. |
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_register_es"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
languageCode | string | false | none | none |
name | string | false | none | none |
"detail": "Resource with ID 6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11 not found",
"resourceId": "6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11",
"status": 404,
"title": "No Resource Found"
Not Found
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Explanation message |
resourceId | string | false | none | ID of the Resource |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Not Found Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Resource not found on the server |
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_register_es"
"type": "SMS"
Patch Channel Entry
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
templates | [NewTemplateChannel] | true | none | Templates to be linked with this profile |
type | string | false | none | Channel object will link the type of the channel with the templates to be used in this channel. |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
type | SMS |
type | VOICE |
type |
"alphanumeric": "true",
"attempts": 3,
"channels": [
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_register_es"
"type": "SMS"
"name": "tyntec_profile_register",
"otpCodeLength": 8
Patch Profile
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
alphanumeric | string | false | none | Type of autogenerated OTP Code |
attempts | integer(int32) | false | none | Customer can define how many times an OTP is allowed to be tried. If the number of the allowed attempts is reached, the OTP code will be invalidated |
channels | [PatchChannelEntryDTO] | false | none | none |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Profile |
otpCodeLength | integer(int32) | false | none | Number of OTP code characters. |
"channel": "VOICE",
"detail": "Template with language en_US for VOICE channel already exists. Only one language per channel is allowed.",
"language": "en_US",
"status": 409,
"title": "Conflict"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | The Channel which Template belongs to |
detail | string | false | none | Description of conflict |
language | string | false | none | The template Language |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | none |
"alphanumeric": true,
"attempts": 3,
"channels": [
"templates": [
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
"type": "SMS"
"id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
"name": "tyntec_profile_register",
"otpCodeLength": 8
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
alphanumeric | boolean | false | none | Type of autogenerated OTP Code |
attempts | integer(int32) | false | none | Customer can define how many times an OTP is allowed to be tried. If the number of the allowed attempts is reached, the OTP code will be invalidated |
channels | [ChannelEntryDTO] | false | none | Channel configuration for OTP Profile |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | OTP Profile ID in UUID format |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Profile |
otpCodeLength | integer(int32) | false | none | Number of OTP code characters. |
"languageCode": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Template to be used for a channel
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
languageCode | string | false | none | Language Code of the Template |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
"field": "field_name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
field | string | false | none | The field which is violated |
message | string | false | none | Indicates the constraint violation |
Template Management API
Version: v4
Base URLs
SMS Template Management
SMS Template Management provides users with the ability to create and customize message templates designed for One-Time Passwords (OTP) in specific languages. This feature facilitates efficient and consistent delivery of OTP messages while accommodating diverse language preferences.
List SMS Templates
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/templates/sms
Lists all SMS Templates.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
name | query | string | false | Name of the Template to be searched for |
language | query | string | false | Language of the Template to be searched for |
Enumerated values
Parameter | Value |
language | ar |
language | bg |
language | ca |
language | zh_CN |
language | zh_HK |
language | zh_TW |
language | hr |
language | cs |
language | da |
language | nl |
language | en |
language | en_GB |
language | en_US |
language | fi |
language | fr |
language | de |
language | el |
language | he |
language | hu |
language | id |
language | it |
language | ja |
language | ko |
language | ms |
language | nb |
language | pl |
language | pt_BR |
language | pt_PT |
language | ro |
language | ru |
language | sk |
language | sl |
language | es |
language | es_ES |
language | es_MX |
language | sv |
language | ta |
language | te |
language | th |
language | tr |
language | vi |
Example responses
200 Response
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | [SMSTemplateDTO] | false | none | [SMS Template object] |
» SMS Template | SMSTemplateDTO | false | none | SMS Template object |
»» channel | string | false | none | Channel for template |
»» codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
»» id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Template in UUID format |
»» language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
»» message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
»» name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
Create SMS Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/templates/sms
Creates a new SMS Template.
Body parameter
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | NewSMSTemplateDTO | true | SMS Template Object that needs to be created |
Example responses
201 Response
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
201 | Created | Created | CreatedSMSTemplateDTO |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
409 | Conflict | Conflict | TemplateConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Delete SMS Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
DELETE /2fa/v4/templates/sms/{id}
Deletes the SMS Template by specified ID
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Template in UUID format |
Example responses
500 Response
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"templateName": "otp_template_test",
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Read SMS Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/templates/sms/{id}
Returns details of a template by specified ID.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Template in UUID format |
Example responses
200 Response
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | SMSTemplateDTO |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Patch SMS Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
PATCH /2fa/v4/templates/sms/{id}
Patches the SMS Template
Body parameter
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Template in UUID format |
body | body | PatchSMSTemplateDTO | true | none |
Example responses
404 Response
"detail": "Template with ID 6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11 not found",
"status": 404,
"templateId": "6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11",
"title": "No Template Found"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundResponseSchema |
409 | Conflict | Conflict | TemplateConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
WhatsApp Template Management
WhatsApp Template Management provides users with the ability to create and customize message templates designed for One-Time Passwords (OTP) in specific languages. This feature facilitates efficient and consistent delivery of OTP messages while accommodating diverse language preferences.
Retrieve WhatsApp Template by Name and/or Language
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/templates/whatsapp
Returns details of a template by specified Name and/or language. Search rules:
- Find all templates by not providing any values
- Find by template name
- Find by template name & language
- Find by language
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
name | query | string | false | Name of the Template |
language | query | string | false | Language of the Template |
Example responses
200 Response
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"autofillButtonText": "Click to Autofill",
"buttonUrl": "{{1}}",
"codeExpirationText": "This code expires in 3 minutes.",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"copyButtonText": "copy now",
"createdAt": "2023‐06‐27T09:51:14",
"isAddSecurityRecommendation": true,
"language": "en_US",
"message": "*{{1}}* is your verification code. For your security, do not share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US",
"otpType": "COPY_CODE or ONE_TAP",
"packageName": "com.example.myapplication",
"signatureHash": "K8a%2FAINcGX7",
"status": "APPROVED",
"templateId": "auth_template_en",
"type": "OTP",
"updatedAt": "2023‐06‐27T09:51:14"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | Inline |
400 | Bad Request | Bad Request | BadRequestResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized | UnauthorizedResponse |
403 | Forbidden | Forbidden | ForbiddenResponse |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | [ResponseWhatsAppTemplate] | false | none | [WhatsApp Template Response] |
» Response WhatsApp Template | ResponseWhatsAppTemplate | false | none | WhatsApp Template Response |
»» accountId | string | false | none | The whatsApp account id |
»» autofillButtonText | string | false | none | Replace the default autofill button text of "Autofill" with your own text |
»» buttonUrl | string | false | none | URL provided for the button |
»» codeExpirationText | string | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
»» codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
»» copyButtonText | string | false | none | Replace the default copy code button text of "Copy code" with your own text |
»» createdAt | string | false | none | The date template was created [ISO-8601] without timezone |
»» isAddSecurityRecommendation | boolean | false | none | Set to "true" to display the security text ("For your security, do not share this code."), otherwise set to "false" to exclude it |
»» language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
»» message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language."Placeholder {{1}} is your verification code, addRecommendation field appends the following text into message { For your security, do not share this code.}" |
»» name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
»» otpType | string | false | none | Indicates the button type |
»» packageName | string | false | none | Android app's package name |
»» signatureHash | string | false | none | Your app's signing key hash |
»» status | string | false | none | The real time template status in the WhatsApp account |
»» templateId | string | false | none | ID of the Template |
»» type | string | false | none | The template type is always "OTP" |
»» updatedAt | string | false | none | The date template was last updated [ISO-8601] without timezone |
Submit For Review WhatsApp Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/templates/whatsapp
Creates a new WhatsApp Template into Meta account
Body parameter
"addSecurityRecommendation": true,
"autofillButtonText": "Click to Autofill",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"copyButtonText": "copy now",
"language": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US",
"otpType": "COPY_CODE or ONE_TAP",
"packageName": "com.example.myapplication",
"signatureHash": "K8a%2FAINcGX7",
"type": "OTP"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | InputWhatsAppTemplate | true | WhatsApp Template Object that needs to be created |
Example responses
400 Response
"detail": "400 BAD_REQUEST Required query parameter 'templateId' is not present",
"status": 400,
"title": "Bad Request"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
201 | Created | Created | None |
400 | Bad Request | Bad Request | BadRequestResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized | UnauthorizedResponse |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Delete a WhatsApp Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{template-id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
DELETE /2fa/v4/templates/whatsapp/{template-id}
Deletes the template from your WhatsApp account. After deleting the template, a 30-days grace period is starting. This is indicated by the expiresAt property of the localizations.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
template-id | path | string | true | ID of the Template |
Example responses
400 Response
"detail": "400 BAD_REQUEST Required query parameter 'templateId' is not present",
"status": 400,
"title": "Bad Request"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
204 | No Content | No Content | None |
400 | Bad Request | Bad Request | BadRequestResponse |
401 | Unauthorized | Unauthorized | UnauthorizedResponse |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Viber Template Management
Viber Template Management provides users with the ability to create and customize message templates designed for One-Time Passwords (OTP) in specific languages. This feature facilitates efficient and consistent delivery of OTP messages while accommodating diverse language preferences.
List Viber Templates
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/templates/viber
Lists all Viber Templates.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
name | query | string | false | Name of the Template to be searched for |
language | query | string | false | Language of the Template to be searched for |
Enumerated values
Parameter | Value |
language | ar |
language | bg |
language | ca |
language | zh_CN |
language | zh_HK |
language | zh_TW |
language | hr |
language | cs |
language | da |
language | nl |
language | en |
language | en_GB |
language | en_US |
language | fi |
language | fr |
language | de |
language | el |
language | he |
language | hu |
language | id |
language | it |
language | ja |
language | ko |
language | ms |
language | nb |
language | pl |
language | pt_BR |
language | pt_PT |
language | ro |
language | ru |
language | sk |
language | sl |
language | es |
language | es_ES |
language | es_MX |
language | sv |
language | ta |
language | te |
language | th |
language | tr |
language | vi |
Example responses
200 Response
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | [ViberTemplateDTO] | false | none | [Viber Template object] |
» Viber Template | ViberTemplateDTO | false | none | Viber Template object |
»» channel | string | false | none | Channel for template |
»» codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
»» id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Template in UUID format |
»» language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
»» message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
»» name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
Create Viber Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/templates/viber
Creates a new Viber Template.
Body parameter
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_viber_en_US"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | NewViberTemplateDTO | true | Viber Template Object that needs to be created |
Example responses
201 Response
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
201 | Created | Created | CreatedViberTemplateDTO |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
409 | Conflict | Conflict | TemplateConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Delete Viber Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
DELETE /2fa/v4/templates/viber/{id}
Deletes the Viber Template by specified ID
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Template in UUID format |
Example responses
500 Response
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"templateName": "otp_template_test",
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Read Viber Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/templates/viber/{id}
Returns details of a template by specified ID.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Template in UUID format |
Example responses
200 Response
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | ViberTemplateDTO |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Patch Viber Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
PATCH /2fa/v4/templates/viber/{id}
Patches the Viber Template
Body parameter
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_viber_en_US"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Template in UUID format |
body | body | PatchViberTemplateDTO | true | none |
Example responses
404 Response
"detail": "Template with ID 6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11 not found",
"status": 404,
"templateId": "6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11",
"title": "No Template Found"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundResponseSchema |
409 | Conflict | Conflict | TemplateConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Voice Template Management
Voice Template Management provides users with the ability to create and customize message templates designed for One-Time Passwords (OTP) in specific languages. This feature facilitates efficient and consistent delivery of OTP messages while accommodating diverse language preferences.
List Voice Templates
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/templates/voice
Lists all Voice Templates.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
name | query | string | false | Name of the Template to be searched for |
language | query | string | false | Language of the Template to be searched for |
Enumerated values
Parameter | Value |
language | ar |
language | bg |
language | ca |
language | zh_CN |
language | zh_HK |
language | zh_TW |
language | hr |
language | cs |
language | da |
language | nl |
language | en |
language | en_GB |
language | en_US |
language | fi |
language | fr |
language | de |
language | el |
language | he |
language | hu |
language | id |
language | it |
language | ja |
language | ko |
language | ms |
language | nb |
language | pl |
language | pt_BR |
language | pt_PT |
language | ro |
language | ru |
language | sk |
language | sl |
language | es |
language | es_ES |
language | es_MX |
language | sv |
language | ta |
language | te |
language | th |
language | tr |
language | vi |
Example responses
200 Response
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Status Code 200
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
anonymous | [VoiceTemplateDTO] | false | none | [Voice Template object] |
» Voice Template | VoiceTemplateDTO | false | none | Voice Template object |
»» channel | string | false | none | Channel for template |
»» codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
»» id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Template in UUID format |
»» language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
»» message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
»» name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
Create Voice Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
POST /2fa/v4/templates/voice
Creates a new Voice Template.
Body parameter
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_voice_en_US"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | NewVoiceTemplateDTO | true | Voice Template Object that needs to be created |
Example responses
201 Response
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
201 | Created | Created | CreatedVoiceTemplateDTO |
400 | Bad Request | Constraint violation | ConstraintViolationResponseSchema |
409 | Conflict | Conflict | TemplateConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Delete Voice Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X DELETE{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
DELETE /2fa/v4/templates/voice/{id}
Deletes the Voice Template by specified ID
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Template in UUID format |
Example responses
500 Response
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"templateName": "otp_template_test",
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Read Voice Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET{id} \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/templates/voice/{id}
Returns details of a template by specified ID.
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Template in UUID format |
Example responses
200 Response
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | VoiceTemplateDTO |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Patch Voice Template
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X PATCH{id} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
PATCH /2fa/v4/templates/voice/{id}
Patches the Voice Template
Body parameter
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_voice_en_US"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
id | path | string | true | ID of the Template in UUID format |
body | body | PatchVoiceTemplateDTO | true | none |
Example responses
404 Response
"detail": "Template with ID 6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11 not found",
"status": 404,
"templateId": "6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11",
"title": "No Template Found"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
404 | Not Found | Not Found | NotFoundResponseSchema |
409 | Conflict | Conflict | TemplateConflictResponseSchema |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Template Management
Provides common template management for all channels of communication.
List Templates
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X GET \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'apiKey: API_KEY'
GET /2fa/v4/templates
Lists all Templates.
Example responses
200 Response
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | Inline |
500 | Internal Server Error | Internal Server Error | ErrorResponseSchema |
Response Schema
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
"detail": "400 BAD_REQUEST Required query parameter 'templateId' is not present",
"status": 400,
"title": "Bad Request"
Bad Request
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Explanation message |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Bad request Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | The server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error |
"status": 400,
"title": "Constraint Violation",
"violations": [
"field": "field_name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Constraint Violation
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
title | string | false | none | Invalid request body parameters |
violations | [ViolationResponseSchema] | false | none | List of violations |
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Created SMS Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Template in UUID format |
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Created Viber Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Template in UUID format |
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
Created Voice Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Template in UUID format |
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"detail": "Unexpected error occurred on server",
"status": 500,
"templateName": "otp_template_test",
"title": "Internal Server Error"
Internal Server Error
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
accountId | string | false | none | Customers WhatsApp account id, if applicable |
detail | string | false | none | Description of an error |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
templateName | string | false | none | The template Name, if applicable |
title | string | false | none | The server encountered an unexpected condition |
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"detail": "Invalid authentication credentials",
"status": 403,
"templateName": "otp_template_test",
"title": "Forbidden"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
accountId | string | false | none | Customers WhatsApp account id |
detail | string | false | none | Explanation message |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Forbidden Http Status code |
templateName | string | false | none | The template Name |
title | string | false | none | The server understands the request but refuses to authorize it |
"addSecurityRecommendation": true,
"autofillButtonText": "Click to Autofill",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"copyButtonText": "copy now",
"language": "en_US",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US",
"otpType": "COPY_CODE or ONE_TAP",
"packageName": "com.example.myapplication",
"signatureHash": "K8a%2FAINcGX7",
"type": "OTP"
Submit WhatsApp Template for Review
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
addSecurityRecommendation | boolean | false | none | Set to "true" to display the security text ("For your security, do not share this code."), otherwise set to "false" to exclude it |
autofillButtonText | string | false | none | Replace the default autofill button text of "Autofill" with your own text |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid (default set to 3) |
copyButtonText | string | false | none | Replace the default copy code button text of "Copy code" with your own text |
language | string | true | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
name | string | true | none | Name of the Template |
otpType | string | false | none | Indicates the button type |
packageName | string | false | none | Android app's package name |
signatureHash | string | false | none | Your app's signing key hash |
type | string | false | none | The template type is always "OTP" |
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
New SMS Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
language | ar |
language | bg |
language | ca |
language | zh_CN |
language | zh_HK |
language | zh_TW |
language | hr |
language | cs |
language | da |
language | nl |
language | en |
language | en_GB |
language | en_US |
language | fi |
language | fr |
language | de |
language | el |
language | he |
language | hu |
language | id |
language | it |
language | ja |
language | ko |
language | ms |
language | nb |
language | pl |
language | pt_BR |
language | pt_PT |
language | ro |
language | ru |
language | sk |
language | sl |
language | es |
language | es_ES |
language | es_MX |
language | sv |
language | ta |
language | te |
language | th |
language | tr |
language | vi |
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_viber_en_US"
New Viber Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
language | ar |
language | bg |
language | ca |
language | zh_CN |
language | zh_HK |
language | zh_TW |
language | hr |
language | cs |
language | da |
language | nl |
language | en |
language | en_GB |
language | en_US |
language | fi |
language | fr |
language | de |
language | el |
language | he |
language | hu |
language | id |
language | it |
language | ja |
language | ko |
language | ms |
language | nb |
language | pl |
language | pt_BR |
language | pt_PT |
language | ro |
language | ru |
language | sk |
language | sl |
language | es |
language | es_ES |
language | es_MX |
language | sv |
language | ta |
language | te |
language | th |
language | tr |
language | vi |
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_voice_en_US"
New Voice Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
language | ar |
language | bg |
language | ca |
language | zh_CN |
language | zh_HK |
language | zh_TW |
language | hr |
language | cs |
language | da |
language | nl |
language | en |
language | en_GB |
language | en_US |
language | fi |
language | fr |
language | de |
language | el |
language | he |
language | hu |
language | id |
language | it |
language | ja |
language | ko |
language | ms |
language | nb |
language | pl |
language | pt_BR |
language | pt_PT |
language | ro |
language | ru |
language | sk |
language | sl |
language | es |
language | es_ES |
language | es_MX |
language | sv |
language | ta |
language | te |
language | th |
language | tr |
language | vi |
"detail": "Template with ID 6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11 not found",
"status": 404,
"templateId": "6f1f2438-f1bf-4ba0-892a-d6a3f5692a11",
"title": "No Template Found"
Not Found
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Explanation message |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Not Found Http Status code |
templateId | string | false | none | ID of the Template |
title | string | false | none | Resource not found on the server |
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Patch SMS Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_viber_en_US"
Patch Viber Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_voice_en_US"
Patch Voice Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"autofillButtonText": "Click to Autofill",
"buttonUrl": "{{1}}",
"codeExpirationText": "This code expires in 3 minutes.",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"copyButtonText": "copy now",
"createdAt": "2023‐06‐27T09:51:14",
"isAddSecurityRecommendation": true,
"language": "en_US",
"message": "*{{1}}* is your verification code. For your security, do not share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US",
"otpType": "COPY_CODE or ONE_TAP",
"packageName": "com.example.myapplication",
"signatureHash": "K8a%2FAINcGX7",
"status": "APPROVED",
"templateId": "auth_template_en",
"type": "OTP",
"updatedAt": "2023‐06‐27T09:51:14"
Response WhatsApp Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
accountId | string | false | none | The whatsApp account id |
autofillButtonText | string | false | none | Replace the default autofill button text of "Autofill" with your own text |
buttonUrl | string | false | none | URL provided for the button |
codeExpirationText | string | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
copyButtonText | string | false | none | Replace the default copy code button text of "Copy code" with your own text |
createdAt | string | false | none | The date template was created [ISO-8601] without timezone |
isAddSecurityRecommendation | boolean | false | none | Set to "true" to display the security text ("For your security, do not share this code."), otherwise set to "false" to exclude it |
language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language."Placeholder {{1}} is your verification code, addRecommendation field appends the following text into message { For your security, do not share this code.}" |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
otpType | string | false | none | Indicates the button type |
packageName | string | false | none | Android app's package name |
signatureHash | string | false | none | Your app's signing key hash |
status | string | false | none | The real time template status in the WhatsApp account |
templateId | string | false | none | ID of the Template |
type | string | false | none | The template type is always "OTP" |
updatedAt | string | false | none | The date template was last updated [ISO-8601] without timezone |
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
SMS Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | Channel for template |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Template in UUID format |
language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
"detail": "Template with name tyntec_sms_en_US already exists in SMS channel. Template name must be unique.",
"status": 409,
"templateName": "tyntec_sms_en_US",
"title": "Conflict"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
detail | string | false | none | Description of conflict |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Http Status code |
templateName | string | false | none | The Name of Template |
title | string | false | none | Http Status text |
"accountId": "8561cca6-682a-47e7-9b55-0c4be1d4033e",
"detail": "No API key found in request",
"status": 401,
"templateName": "otp_template_test",
"title": "Unauthorized"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
accountId | string | false | none | Customers WhatsApp account id |
detail | string | false | none | Explanation message |
status | integer(int64) | false | none | Unauthorized Http Status code |
templateName | string | false | none | The template Name |
title | string | false | none | The server understands the request but refuses to authorize it |
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Viber Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | Channel for template |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Template in UUID format |
language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
"field": "field_name",
"message": "must not be blank"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
field | string | false | none | The field which is violated |
message | string | false | none | Indicates the constraint violation |
"channel": "SMS",
"codeExpirationTime": 3,
"id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
"language": "en_US",
"message": "tyntec: {{otp_code}} is your security code. Your code will expire in {{expiration_time}} minutes. Don't share this code.",
"name": "tyntec_sms_en_US"
Voice Template
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | Channel for template |
codeExpirationTime | integer(int32) | false | none | Indicates the number of minutes OTP code is valid |
id | string(uuid) | false | none | ID of the Template in UUID format |
language | string | false | none | Language of the Template in the ISO 639-1 format |
message | string | false | none | The text template for the specific language. Placeholder '{{otp_code}}' must exist at least once, otherwise template will not be created. '{{expiration_time}}' is an optional placeholder |
name | string | false | none | Name of the Template |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | |
channel | VIBER |
Callback Events
Version: v4
Base URLs
Webhooks is a way for an 2FA application to provide real-time information events. Tyntec sends a webhook to your application to notify you when an event occurs in your account. For example, Tyntec sends a webhook when an OTP is dispatched or when an OTP is delivered. You can use webhooks to trigger actions in your application or store data in your database.
For configuration of the webhook/callback please see Webhook Configuration.
Send OTP event
Code samples
# You can also use wget
curl -X POST Customer defined URL for receiving information events/webhooks \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'
POST /webhooks
Sends OTP events to the callback URL registered.
For details on error handling, you can refer to the following documentation pages:
Body parameter
"channel": "SMS",
"otpId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"profileId": "adbe6521-f5bd-4295-9fd9-776debdf7dc2",
"status": "DELIVERED",
"timestamp": "2023-11-15T03:00:00Z"
Name | In | Type | Required | Description |
body | body | any | true | Status of the OTP |
Status | Meaning | Description | Schema |
200 | OK | OK | None |
"channel": "SMS",
"otpId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"profileId": "adbe6521-f5bd-4295-9fd9-776debdf7dc2",
"status": "DELIVERED",
"timestamp": "2023-11-15T03:00:00Z"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | Channel of Delivery |
otpId | string(uuid) | false | none | Unique identifier of the OTP |
profileId | string(uuid) | false | none | Unique identifier of the OTP |
status | string | false | none | Status of the OTP Delivery |
timestamp | string(date-time) | false | none | Timestamp of the OTP event |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | VIBER |
channel | |
status | DISPATCHED |
status | TIMED_OUT |
status | DELIVERED |
"channel": "SMS",
"error": {
"code": "tyntec::internal::500",
"message": "Internal Server Error"
"otpId": "a4762c77-94cb-43d6-bbab-9f37e088ad11",
"profileId": "adbe6521-f5bd-4295-9fd9-776debdf7dc2",
"status": "UNDELIVERABLE",
"timestamp": "2023-11-15T03:00:00Z"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
channel | string | false | none | none |
error | Error | false | none | none |
otpId | string(uuid) | false | none | Unique identifier of the OTP |
profileId | string(uuid) | false | none | Unique identifier of the OTP |
status | string | false | none | status of the OTP Delivery |
timestamp | string(date-time) | false | none | Timestamp of the OTP event |
Enumerated values
Property | Value |
channel | SMS |
channel | VOICE |
channel | VIBER |
channel | |
status | DISPATCHED |
status | TIMED_OUT |
status | DELIVERED |
"code": "tyntec::internal::500",
"message": "Internal Server Error"
Name | Type | Required | Restrictions | Description |
code | string | false | none | Error code |
message | string | false | none | Error message |